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“Two royal sisters who reigned together again and established harmony for that country,” with the narrator reading, “used their unicorn abilities to raise early sun in the morning; the older brought forth the moon and began the night,” introduces us to Princess Luna during the first episode’s prologue.
Narrative continues by saying their subjects played throughout daylight hours but “shunned” that night slept through everything, which caused the younger Alicorn to grow bitter and refuse to lower the moon so that morning might begin. The narration. A black mare named Nightmare Moon was born out of her bitterness. To keep Equestria in balance, the elder sister unwillingly discovered the power of such Elements of Harmony as well as “banished her permanently within Moon.”
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Upon that longest day after the thousandth year, “they stars would aid her flight, and maybe she will give about nighttime endless,” Twilight Sparkle writes in a prophecy. Nightmare Moon does really emerge before Ponyville’s ponies even during Blinding Sunlight Celebration, as predicted. Nightmare Moon was transformed back into Princess Luna more by Elements of Harmony just at the middle of the 2nd episode, as she remorsefully agrees to serve from Princess Celestia to rule with her again.
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Mlp futa porn Amethyst Star, Diamonds Mint, as well as Lemony Gem all use Lyra Heartstrings’ design. Roses and Silverspeed’s mane and tail styles are very similar, as does her mane. Like “Skyra,” she wears all black. Her cutie mark is the same as that of other ponies from this generation and earlier ones in the My Little Pony universe. Earth ponies Lyrica Lilac and Bee Bop from the G3 era are two such instances.
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Mlp futa porn Twilight is perplexed that the magic didn’t work, so Applejack gathers her pals together once more. The companions observe that the vampire fruit bats are still not eating apples, which suggests that the enchantment is still in effect. Fluttershy is stumped when Twilight asks if anyone else might have done it. As a result, Twilight suggests setting up a sting operation to apprehend the real criminal.
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During Ponyville’s traditional Nightmare Night festival, where ponies dressed up in costumes and then go door-to-door collecting sweets, Princess Luna makes an appearance in the second season episodes Luna Eclipsed as part of the cast. Despite her best efforts, Luna is unable to engage in the fun due to her obnoxious appearance, loud voice, and dated speech pattern. Twilight Sparkle attempted to protect, but her efforts only served to further alienate as well as frighten Luna’s followers.
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